Let Customers Know That You Suspend Service At the Mere Receipt of An Abuse Report
I think many customers should know that DO will shut service down at the mere receipt of an abuse report. In other words, DO does not verify if the report is true first - even for reports that would be trivial to verify. Many aspects of DO's services is great... until they shut you down... in my case in error. Upon further inquiry into the matter, it became clear that all it takes is an email to shut service down for a DO customer - they do not verify reports. I think this policy should be communicated to customers - since it is not in the DO Terms/AUP. Had I known this, I would not have signed up for DO service - I think it is misleading of DO to not let customers know of this policy.
You may like DO service, just as I used to, but keep in mind that all it takes is an email claiming you are hosting something bad and your server instances will be powered down - they do NOT even verify if your server are in fact hosting what was reported (that's right - they do not even load the URL).
They should let their customers know this could happen to the,
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