$ doctl apps upadte 297a85e0-8eef-4c26-a85b-675a8036a0db --spec do.yaml
Error: unknown flag: --spec
doctl apps [command]
apps, app, a
Available Commands:
create Create an app
create-deployment Create a deployment
delete Deletes an app
get Get an app
get-deployment Get a deployment
list List all apps
list-alerts List alerts on an app
list-deployments List all deployments
list-regions List App Platform regions
logs Get logs
propose Propose an app spec
spec Display commands for working with app specs
tier Display commands for working with app tiers
update Update an app
update-alert-destinations Update alert destinations
-h, --help help for apps
Global Flags:
-t, --access-token string API V2 access token
-u, --api-url string Override default API endpoint
-c, --config string Specify a custom config file (default "/Users/gute/Library/Application Support/doctl/config.yaml")
--context string Specify a custom authentication context name
-o, --output string Desired output format [text|json] (default "text")
--trace Show a log of network activity while performing a command
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
Use "doctl apps [command] --help" for more information about a command.
unknown flag: --spec