Rust runtime for DigitalOcean Functions
Anton Kozyriev
Rust is often called one of the most 'energy efficient' programming languages. Benchmarks of serverless applications on various cloud platforms showed that Rust beats other languages in terms of the cold start time (<200ms) and execution time due to the low-level nature. This allows developers to create fast and computationally intensive applications in serverless architecture and gives users a better experience by eliminating a "cold start problem". It would be awesome if DigitalOcean adopted this programming language in their products!
Michael K
I couldn't find this when I searched for it back in February, so there's a duplicate, hopefully this will get DO to pay attention, but I'm having doubts. I used to get lots of requests for feedback from them on new services - but for some reason, not this one. It's a shame, too. I ended up going with a different platform for my serverless Rust development, and am unlikely to switch back to DO for it in the near future. It's already replaced all the k8s / droplets I used to run on DO. They're actually not getting any money from me after this month as I just turned off the last droplet today.
This makes me sad.
+1. I was really excited to see Functions added to DO as it was one of the main features that kept me using AWS, but all my functions (lambdas) are written in Rust.