Permit additional (arbitrary) container registries
The Apps spec only permits registry types of DOCR and DOCKER_HUB.It would be useful to permit additional registries including GitHub Container Registry (GHCR) and Google Container Registry.I assume this limitation is partly due to [DO] cost but, without it, the developer incurs the costs in potentially managing duplicate images across registries.
Matthew Kaye
+1 to this - I'd love to be able to push images to ECR and deploy from there. Right now my deploys push to DOCR and ECR separately, which is a waste
Brian Drelling
I mentioned on another topic (these should be combined IMO), but this needs to be implemented ASAP.
The most likely reason this hasn't been implemented yet is that DigitalOcean knows they can't compete with GitHub's container registry pricing, but they can with Docker's.
It's very anti-consumer and annoyingly obvious behavior.
Tim Holum
I also would love this feature, I have a self-hosted gitlab instance, and am unable to migrate most of my apps to do apps without having to mirror my containers, or code to github or docker hub
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