There's doesn't seem to be an easy way to determine which user created a droplet either in the UI, DO CLI or via the v2 API.
In the UI the creator information is not included in the droplets list or droplet detail view. In the detail view droplet history it does show a Create event but does not show who actioned the event. The only way to work out who created a droplet is to search the Project's activity feed (which can be huge) for the relevant droplet create entry.
In the v2 API the droplet resource does not include creator information (but does contain
). There is also no way to fetch a Project's activity feed to cross-reference with the droplet.
Request #1
Show the user that created the Droplet in both the droplet list and droplet detail view.
Request #2
Provide the user that created the droplet in the droplet resource.
Request #3
The first two requests may start feature creep to show creators of other resource types, to avoid this would it be possible to just provide v2 API access to a Project's activity feed?