Digital Ocean Managed Email
Vini Martins
I have had a great experience with Managed Databases and would like to know if Digital Ocean will be offering Managed Email services in the near future.I have read the Digital Ocean guide that essentially discourages you from creating and attempting to manage an email server, which is not easy task.I alone would switch 12 domains over almost imediately after it was available.This is the only thing that I still use my shared hosting for; custom domain email address.This could bring a lot of new users to the site which is a win for everyone.Thank you for taking the time to read.
Whitney Jutzin
Whitney Jutzin
Whitney Jutzin
Whitney Jutzin
Merged in a post:
Carlos Aguado
DigitalOcean to create a managed Email-As-A-Service offering for users, so they can just buy it from you and create/consume/delete/upscale/downscale/administer email mailboxes and redirections, including configurable antivirus and antispam capabilities.
Rationale for this suggestion: Putting together a reliable, secure and easy-to-manage email handling software stack (and maintaining it over time) is quite hard, so this service would sell well for sure.
If you want to sneak peek this, have a look at what Ionos offers to its VPS customers for free :-)
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