Add Reserved IP's for Kubernetes Worker Nodes
Boris Rodríguez
When using Digital Ocean Droplets as Kubernetes Worker Nodes, there is no possibility of assigning the Reserved IP´s to the Droplets.
This is a Digital Ocean Reserved IP´s limitation described in:
When using external systems with whitelists tied to Droplets IP´s, every time they change either for a manual action or during the cluster upgrades (the most common scenario), the access to the external system is lost and a manual update of the whitelist must be done.
So, as this a very common scenario in production systems, it will be great to be added.
Steve Todorov
This is a very common scenario and I really can't believe it's not supported yet. You could have nodes running pods that require access to services behind firewalls. So dynamic IPs for the nodes doesn't really work. This is one of the reasons one of my clients are planning to opt-out of DigitalOcean actually.
Marco Colli
This would be really useful. We need the ability to assign Reserved IPs to Kubernetes nodes / pods (so that the outgoing connections to other external services can be trusted based on the IP).